Saturday, July 27, 2013

Overcoming the World

Here is something that was prophesied back in 1889 by the prophet Lorenzo Snow.  If we were that "advanced in knowledge" back then, think of where we are today.

"We are considerably advanced in the knowledge of the things of God, and are qualified to act in His behalf; yet we are not entirely out of the wilderness, if I may be permitted to use that expression.  The time will come when we shall overcome the world and every temptation that can be advanced to affect us.  We are now advancing to that point;  but we have not yet reached it.  And now comes a time when the Latter-day Saints will probably be subjected to temptation greater and more subtle than we ever again will experience as a people.  But let me tell you that after we have passed through the scenes that are now before us, the clouds will break; and ... we will stand on  a much higher [plane] of righteousness, of faith, power and influence than ever before.  We will have the approval and blessings of the Almighty, and we will have influence with the world.  They will respect us more than they ever have done."

I really liked this quote, sometimes it feels like the world is winning in the battle of good and bad.  We will "overcome the world,"  it has been prophesied by a prophet of God.

Monday, July 8, 2013


I marvel at the power of the word "instantly."  I enjoy being able to put in my Nestle Quick chocolate milk mix into my milk and to get "instantly" delicious chocolate milk.  What a marvel it is to me to be able to get things "instantly" like hot oatmeal or chocolate pudding.  Sometimes wanting something "instantly" can get us in trouble also and we have to apply the precious virtue of "patience."  I read a powerful talk given by President Boyd K. Packer this morning titled, "These Things I Know" given in the 2013 April General Conference.  I want to share a portion of his talk that uses the word "instantly":

"Each of us must stay in condition to respond to inspiration and the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  The Lord has a way of pouring pure intelligence into our minds to prompt us, to guide us, to teach us, and to warn us.  Each son or daughter of God can know the things they need to know instantly. Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation."

This is case in where "instantly" does not get us into trouble.  Ever wonder why inspiration takes so long sometime?  I believe if we heed President Boyd K. Packer's counsel to "Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation" and to always "stay in condition to respond to inspiration and promptings of the Holy Ghost" that we can have this gift of "instantly" knowing what we should do through inspiration.

What are you doing to "stay in condition"?  In physical exercise we do many routines to "stay in condition" whether it is daily running, swimming, biking or pick your favorite physical activity.  The spirit and soul needs the same exercise to "stay in condition."  How often and how much sincere time is spent with the great Creator in prayer, pondering and study?