Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Integrity is the golden key to the door of success.

"One of the greatest accomplishments of our lives is to promote an honest, earnest integrity within ourselves. This means that we become spiritually sound, intellectually sincere, morally honest, and always personally responsible to God. Integrity is that golden key which will unlock the door to almost any success." Teachings of Howard W. Hunter

Can you imagine what the world we be like if everyone was honest? It starts with ourselves.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Last night before family prayers, my daughter had fallen to sleep. I was trying to wake her up to come say prayers. It was one of those moments, where it did not matter what tactics I used, she was not coming. So, we ended up doing them without her. This morning she came into my office and I asked her what happened last night. She started commenting on me missing our PPI (personal priesthood interview) last Sunday. She said there should be a book that tells you what to do when kids act the way she did last night. Then she said that I needed to spend a whole day with her alone. She said instead of calling it PPI, they should call it SMTD. I asked her what that stood for. She said, "Spend More Time with Dad." This meant a lot to me, and I thought it was important to write down and share. Always be ready to catch golden nuggets that your kids drop here and there. This was one I was given this morning.